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Degrees and Certificates

Master’s Degree Options

The Counseling Program at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions offers options for those seeking training in the field of counseling. These include the Master of Science degree in each of the following areas:

  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling

  • School Counseling

  • Addictions Counseling

  • Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling

  • Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling

Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

The 60-semester hour Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program prepares students for counseling positions in various community agencies, such as mental health centers, private counseling agencies, substance abuse treatment centers, child and adolescent counseling clinics, family counseling centers, pastoral counseling settings, as well as business and industry. The program provides for the opportunity to counsel a broad range of client populations. This degree program meets Utah coursework requirements for state licensure as a Clinical Mental Health Counselor (CMHC), as well as licensure standards for many other states. Students need to work closely with their respective advisors to determine any additional requirements or course needs relating to state licensure requirements.

For detailed curriculum information, see Clinical Mental Health Counseling Curriculum

Master of Science in School Counseling

The 60-semester credit hour School Counseling Program prepares students to become Professional School Counselors. Students become familiar with school counseling services, develop better self-understanding, and develop the competencies of comprehensive school counselors who build and lead school counseling programs. This degree program meets coursework specifications for professional school counselor certification/licensure.

For detailed curriculum information, see School Counseling Curriculum

Master of Science in Addictions Counseling

The 60-semester credit hour Addictions Counseling Program prepares students to become Mental Health Counselors that work primarily with substance abuse, dependency disorders, and other behavioral addictions. Students will gain competencies in understanding the addiction process and how it relates to other mental health and behavioral issues and develop the skills needed to address these concerns.

For detailed curriculum information, see Addictions Counseling Curriculum

Master of Science in Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling

The 60-semester hour Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling program is designed to prepare counselors to understand family systems and to use systemic interventions to help individuals, couples, and families in various settings, including mental health agencies, inpatient, and schools.

For detailed curriculum information, see Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling Curriculum

Master of Science in Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling

The 60-semester hour Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling program prepares students to become effective counselors who understand the systematic process which assists persons with physical, mental, developmental, cognitive, and emotional disabilities to achieve their personal, career, and independent living goals in the most integrated settings possible through the application of the counseling process. This process involves communication, goal setting, the beneficial growth or change through self-advocacy, psychological, vocational, social, and behavioral interventions.

For detailed curriculum information, see Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Curriculum

Dual Degree

The Counseling Dual Degree Program is designed for those seeking knowledge and skills in two of the areas described above. Students in this program complete 72 credit hours and receive two master’s degrees, which are awarded at the same time.

EXAMPLE: A student might wish to develop skills and knowledge around School-based Mental Health and obtain degrees in both School Counseling and Mental Health Counseling and get licensed as both a School Counselor and a Mental Health Counselor. To do this a student could complete the requirements for both master’s degrees with the core requirements overlapping.

The dual degree options would be as follows:

  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling/School Counseling

  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling/Addictions Counseling

  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling/Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling

  • Clinical Mental Health Counseling/Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling

  • School Counseling/Addictions Counseling

  • School Counseling/Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling

  • School Counseling/Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling

  • Addictions Counseling/Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling

  • Addictions Counseling/Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling

  • Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling/Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling

Certificate Options

Each of the five areas has specific courses that can be taken as part of post master’s study.

School Counseling Certificate

The School Counseling Certificate Program is designed specifically for those who already have a Master’s degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and are seeking certification as a School Counselor. Students in this program will complete a minimum of 15 credits (9 credits in course preparation and 6 credits in School Internship) specifically in School Counseling. The admissions committee will assess each student’s skills and review the student’s transcript and determine and verify that all core skills can be demonstrated. Please know that faculty will only endorse students for licenses and certifications for which they are qualified.

Mental Health Counseling Certificate

The Mental Health Counseling Certificate Program is designed specifically for those who already have a Master’s degree in Counseling and are seeking licensure as a Clinical Mental Health Counselor. Students in this program will complete a minimum of 15 credits. This would include CO 650 Mental Health Care Systems (3) and CO 671 Internship A – Mental Health (3). The admissions committee will assess each student’s skills and review the student’s transcript and any additional documentation provided by the licensing board to determine the additional courses required for licensure. These additional courses will be required as part of the certificate program. Please know that faculty will only endorse students for licenses and certifications for which they are qualified.

Addictions Counseling Certificate

The Addictions Counseling Certificate Program is designed specifically for those who already have a Master’s degree in Counseling and are seeking licensure or certification as an Addictions Counselor. Students in this program will complete a minimum of 15 credits. This would include Addiction courses and appropriate internships. The admissions committee will assess each student’s skills and review the student’s transcript and any additional documentation provided.

Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Certificate

The Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling Certificate Program is designed specifically for those who already have a Master’s degree in Counseling and are seeking licensure or certification as a Rehabilitation Counselor. Students in this program will complete a minimum of 15 credits. This would include Clinical Rehabilitation courses and appropriate internships. The admissions committee will assess each student’s skills and review the student’s transcript and any additional documentation provided.

Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling Certificate

The Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling Certificate Program is designed specifically for those who already have a Master’s degree in Counseling and are seeking additional training in systems theory. Students in this program will complete a minimum of 15 credits. This would include Marriage, Couples, and Family courses, and appropriate internships. The admissions committee will assess each student’s skills and review the student’s transcript and any additional documentation provided.

PLEASE NOTE: The Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling certificate program is not designed to qualify one to receive the MFT credential.

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