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Student Advisement

Upon admission to the counseling program, each student will be assigned a faculty advisor. Advisors act as a student’s primary source of contact and communication with the counseling program. The department encourages students to show initiative in getting to know their individual advisors. Students who wish to change their assigned advisor should contact the Program Chair. 

  • Under the direction of an advisor, students will complete a Program of Study. This will include a list of courses and a timeline for completion that, if followed, will lead to the degree sought and subsequent endorsement for licensure and/or certification.

  • Review progress toward professional goals and degree and revise the study plan accordingly.

  • Receive information regarding program procedures.

Life events, along with other occurrences, may also necessitate changes to the student’s Program of Study. Any alterations in the original Program of Study due to program changes, course conflicts, life events, or other occurrences must be discussed with the student’s advisor. It is the student’s responsibility to stay in close contact with their individual academic advisor regarding any alterations made to the Program of Study. This issue is especially important given that not all courses are taught each semester. Altering the study plan without assistance from an academic advisor may result in scheduling difficulties, which, in turn, may affect one’s graduation date.

Distinction Between Advising and Counseling

There is an important distinction between advising and counseling. Advising focuses on students' professional and personal goals/growth as it relates to their ability to demonstrate competent counseling skills, whereas counseling looks beyond professional development to assist people with psychological adjustment. Although faculty members are fully qualified to fulfill both functions, the ethics of the profession prohibit them from providing counseling to students. If personal counseling is desired, students may obtain services from a variety of resources in the community.


All RMUoHP students are provided access to personal counseling services through BetterHelp Online Counseling. This can be accessed here BetterHelp Counseling. Additional resources can be accessed through Student Affairs. RMUoHP Student Affairs.

Changes to Licensure, Certification, or Accreditation Requirements

If state or national standards for certification of licensure change or if there are major changes in accreditation standards, the faculty will inform students of those changes. The faculty may recommend changes to a student’s Program of Study to satisfy the evolved certification, licensure, or accreditation standards. However, to graduate from the program, the student must only satisfy the requirements as stated in the graduate catalog in effect when the student was admitted. The student may have to complete other tasks or courses to meet the changed state or national standards.

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