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Professional Organizations

Graduate students in the Counseling Program at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions have a number of opportunities for personal and professional development. The following are examples of organizations that students are encouraged to participate in:

American Counseling Association

The American Counseling Association (ACA) is a professional organization representing the interests of counselors and counselors-in-training nationwide. Various branches of ACA exist to support the special interests (e.g., school counseling, career counseling, education and supervision of counselors, family counseling) of its diverse membership. As a student member special discounts can be obtained on membership, liability insurance, and up-to-date counseling resources. Included among the many resources are such items as audio and videotapes, books, journals, and effective educational materials. ACA is also instrumental in the enhancement of academic training through developmental workshops presented by leading experts in the field represented. Other ACA membership benefits include job search assistance through database systems and job postings found in the ACA monthly publication, “Counseling Today.” Visit the ACA website

American Mental Health Counselors Association

The American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) represents more than 7,000 licensed and certified mental health counselors nationwide. AMHCA members are on the cutting edge of community services and may be found in private practice, community mental health centers, psychiatric hospitals, managed care organizations (MCOs), and health maintenance organizations (HMOs). Visit the AMHCA website.

American School Counselor Association

For those graduate students interested in school counseling, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) provides insight into the forefront of advances in the school counseling field. Membership in ASCA can afford students additional benefits such as various journal publications (The School Counselor, 5 issues annually; Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 4 issues annually), newsletters (e.g., The ASCA Counselor), an extensive resource library within their members-only website, other publications, which include a wide range of brochures, books, and monographs related to topics of interest to school counselors, and grassroots involvement through developmental workshops and state conferences allowing networking opportunities. Visit the ASCA website.

Utah Mental Health Counselors Association

The Utah Mental Health Counselors Association (UMHCA) is the local chapter of the American Mental Health Counselors Association. The Utah Chapter attempts to unite with ALL other Mental Health Providers in the state of Utah. Although UMHCA endeavors to bring recognition and acknowledgments specifically to Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors, they also ally with ALL other noble professionals within the helping association. Visit the UMHCA website.

Utah School Counselor Association

The Utah School Counselor Association (USCA) represents the profession of school counseling. This association expresses a united and single voice for school counseling in the state of Utah. USCA believes that guidance and counseling must be an integral part of every student's educational experience. Visit the USCA website.

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