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Melissa Wheeler

Instructor of Counseling

Brief Biography

Dr. Melissa (Missy) Wheeler is an adjunct instructor for the Counseling Program at RMUoHP. She is a National Certified Counselor and an Approved Clinical Supervisor. Dr. Wheeler has been a distance counselor educator since earning her Ph.D. in Counseling and Counselor Education from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. She has taught online counseling courses with Lamar University, East Carolina University, and the University of Phoenix online Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. Dr. Wheeler has gained experience assisting college students in transition through her work in career services, academic advising, and college student success. Her experience and interests include career counseling, retention of first-generation college students, practitioner research in career counseling, mentoring in the counseling profession, and online education for counselors-in-training. She approaches both counseling and teaching from a humanistic perspective by working to explore the many dimensions of an individual's experiences.

Dr. Wheeler is a member of the American Counseling Association, the National Career Development Association, and the Association of Counselor Education & Supervision. She is the Past President of the Virginia Career Development Association and a member of both the Research Committee and Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the National Career Development Association.

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