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Kristin N. Erskine

Assistant Professor of Counseling

Brief Biography

Dr. Kristin Erskine has extensive experience and education in substance abuse treatment and trauma treatment and has worked as a clinical mental health counselor for over 18 years. She has taught counseling for over 13 years. Dr. Erskine is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor, a National Certified Counselor, a Master Addictions Counselor, and a Substance Abuse Professional. She has a master’s degree in Mental Health Counseling from the University of Phoenix (CACREP accredited), and a Doctorate in Counselor Education and Supervision from Argosy University (CACREP accredited). Her dissertation was an exploratory case study examining the experiences and perspectives of ethnic minorities to operationally define sufficient ethnic exposure needed to provide culturally sensitive and effective mental health services.

Dr. Erskine currently serves as faculty at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions, taught counseling at the University of the Cumberlands for six years, taught counseling at Argosy University and Grand Canyon University. Her areas of specialty in teaching are substance abuse and addictions, psychopharmacology, and spirituality and values in counseling. She is a member of the ACA and NAADAC and has served on the UMHCA board. She has presented at RMACES, UMHCA, and AMCAP conferences on Ethics and Mindfulness.

Dr. Erskine currently has a limited private practice which includes providing substance abuse assessments for people with jobs that have Department of Transportation oversight and also provides Critical Incident Stress Debriefing for employee assistance programs in Utah. She also works at a local agency that specializes in trauma treatment for veterans and first responders and provides treatment for the LGBTQIA+ community. Dr. Erskine has worked in substance abuse treatment for 15 years, worked for Aetna Behavioral Health as a utilization review clinician for seven years, and trauma treatment for six years.

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