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Kevin V. Knutson

Picture of Dr. Knutson

Assistant Professor of Counseling

Brief Biography

Dr. Kevin Knutson is a full-time Assistant Professor of Counseling. Dr. Knutson has been instrumental in assisting in developing and implementing the Mental Health and School Counseling programs at RMUoHP. And has taught regularly in the program. He has been a licensed mental health counselor for over 25 years. As a counselor, he has worked in public schools, adult and youth residential facilities, online counseling, wilderness programs, private practice, and mental health facilities. His areas of expertise include sexual abuse, domestic violence, substance abuse, parenting, and leadership. He has presented at many local, state, and national professional conferences. He has taught many master’s level mental health courses as an associate faculty at the University of Phoenix for the past 18 years and as well as at Westminster College as an adjunct faculty for the last two years. Prior to his work in counseling and academia, Kevin served a tour of duty in Germany as an officer in the US Army and then as a bank branch manager. He graduated from Brigham Young University with degrees in Corporate Communications (BA) and Educational Psychology (M.Ed.). Dr. Knutson completed his Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision from the University of the Cumberlands in December 2022.

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