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Holly Todd

Instructor of Counseling

Brief Biography

Holly Todd has worked in K-12 education for over 20 years. She has had the opportunity to work in a variety of settings and roles within the education system. Holly has worked in some of the largest and smallest districts in the state of Utah as a classroom teacher, school counselor, crisis team, and intervention specialist. Holly spent time working at the Utah State Board of Education as a School Counseling Program Specialist and currently works for the Northeastern Utah Educational Services Agency supporting rural school districts in crisis response, MTSS, and school counseling. Holly has presented at a local, state, and national level on topics of advocacy, school counseling programming, social-emotional learning, trauma-informed practices, educator wellness, and youth mental health. Holly is an active member of the Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions faculty. She has helped develop the specific track and course design for candidates earning a Master’s or Certificate in School Counseling. She also teaches courses specific to school counseling. Holly believes that one of the best ways to support K-12 students is to have highly qualified professionals working with them and loves being involved in that process. In Holly’s spare time she loves to travel to learn about new places and view wildlife in its natural habitat, read, and sometimes gets a little crafty.

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